Anger Management

Anger Management

If you have a child who is destroying property, physically attacking others or repeatedly berating themselves, anger management/behavioral therapy maybe experienced. Anger is called the “fighting emotion”. We activate our anger when we want to go to battle to fight and win. The fight, flight, freeze ( F3) responses in our nervous system kicks in, which increases our heart rate, sends blood to muscles so they are stronger and accelerates. These massive bodily sensations are enough to overwhelm a person, especially a child.

Although anger management is a natural emotion that everyone experiences, the response to anger is what is measured. For some children, the anger or explosiveness impacts their academic performance, peer relationships, and family dynamics.

1 Journey helps children and caregivers deal with intense emotions that may result in temper tantrums and melt downs. As children grow they gain patience, develop more skills, and learn the ability to problem solve.