Group Therapy
Group THerapy helps individuals develop communication skills, and socialization skills and allows individuals to learn how to express their issues and accept criticism of others. Group Therapy also helps normalize uncertain feelings, experiences, and increases self awareness by listening to others with similar issues. It provides a framework for empowering individuals.
1 Journey offers the following groups:
Girl C.O.D.E
Girl CODE (Confidence Of Determining Excellence) is a self esteem group for females ages 7-11 and 12-16. It is designed to assist young girls in developing a sense of self love and learn to consistently demonstrate the ability to feel good about themselves. This group helps address emotions underlying low self esteem in order to develop a healthy relationship with oneself.
Journey of Purpose
Journey of Purpose is a trauma-focused group for children/adolescents/parents who have experienced trauma. These group sessions aim to provide a sense of safety and psychoeducation regarding how trauma negatively impacts the brain’s development within children with a strong focus in CBT. This group can be trauma specific that seeks to provide the child with returning to their pre-trauma level of functioning.
S.H.I.F.T ( Shifting, Honoring, Intense, Focused, Therapy)
A group designed to assist women who are victims of domestic violence, adult trauma, and other adverse experiences that negatively impact their ability to function and feel safe.